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Cost of Living Protest



Cost of Living

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Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Canadians at their Limit

Rent, mortgages, food, taxes....every expense is going up while our wages remain stagnant. All anyone in government seems to offer are platitudes and promises. We want, we need, change.

Organize and take action with us!


We need organizers in every city willing to lead events, talk to people, and grow the movement.

Our Demands

Ban corporations from owning single family homes or condo units that are not purpose built for rentals

Ban and close all loopholes that allow non-citizens to purchase residential property

Cap immigration from all pathways to a maximum 0.5% of the population. Further link the rate of immigration with housing and wages so that the cap will decrease if average rents cost more than 33% of the average salary

Cut non-essential government spending on all programs that do not directly benefit low and middle income workers. This would include reducing MPs salaries, cancelling the $12 million BC Deer Cull, non-humanitarian foreign aid, and selling government office buildings when most employees work from home

Institute severe fines and penalties for corporate price fixing and selling consistently underweight products

Electoral reform. Fulfill the promise that Trudeau made in 2015 to replace our current first-past-the-post system with something that makes "every vote count."

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